A large number of sites across the Sydney Olympic Park Precinct have been subject to historical landfilling, dredging and land reclamation works in the Homebush Bay area. These sites serve as ecologically significant habitats for multiple flora and fauna. It is the intention of the Sydney Olympic Park Authority to redesign and rehabilitate several lakes and ponds located across these Precinct.
Witt Consulting have been engaged by the Sydney Olympic Park Authority to undertake geotechnical site investigations across the Sydney Olympic Park Precinct. Our site investigations involved hand-auger excavation and logging of boreholes, conducting Dynamic Cone Penetrometer tests within water bodies and on land at each borehole location, we also undertook Hydrographic Surveys to inform remediation designs. Following the completion of the relevant geotechnical site investigation, Witt Consulting provided an erosion protection design for the stabilisation of the islands located within Lake Belvedere at the Sydney Olympic Park Precinct. Our design included modelling of slope stabilities using limit-equilibrium software RocScience Slide, structural and geotechnical design of post and lagging wall retaining systems, and shore protection design for the riprap layer surrounding the shore.
Witt Consulting were able to successfully conduct investigations working closely alongside Sydney Olympic Park Authority ecologists, with careful consideration to the implemented Environmental Management Plan. Additionally, our remediation design for the islands within Lake Belvedere was developed to minimise construction impact to the surrounding ecosystem.